Courts – State Courts – District of Columbia
Highest Court
Court of Appeals
The Court of Appeals consists of 9 judges. It has jurisdiction over (1) Appeals from the Superior Court and certain District of Columbia agencies.
General Courts
Superior Courts
The Superior Courts consists of 59 judges. It has jurisdiction over (1) Unlimited civil jurisdiction. Family: domestic relations, mental health, intrafamily, abuse, neglect, and probate. (2) Felony, misdemeanor, traffic, and ordinance violations. (3) Family: juvenile.
No jury trials overseen by this court.
Additional Information
Court of Appeals
The District of Columbia Court of Appeals is the highest court. The Court of Appeals judgments and decrees are reviewable by the Supreme Court of The United States in accordance with section 1257 of title 28 of the United States Code. (DC ST Section 11-102)
Continuation of courts; court of record; seal.
The Superior Court of The District of Columbia include the Court of General Sessions, the Juvenile Court, and the Tax court. The Superior court shall be a court of record and shall have a single seal. (DC ST § 11-901)
Reports to Congress.
Within 90 days after the end of the calendar year, the chief judge of the Superior Court shall submit a report to Congress on the activities of the Family Court. The statute lists what should be included in the report. (DC ST § 11-1106)
Rules and regulations.
The rules and regulations for conducting business in the Tax Division are made by the Superior Court. These rules and Regulations must be consistent with the statutes applicable to such business and with The Superior Court’s general rules of practice and procedure. These rul es should assure prompt disposition of matters and be fairly and efficiently enforced.(DC ST § 11-1203)
Continuation of Branch.
The Small Claims and Conciliation Branch shall continue as a branch of the Civil Division in the Superior Court.(DC ST § 11-130)
The Small Claims and Conciliation Branch, with a judge in attendance, shall be open for business on every day except Saturday afternoons, Sundays, and legal holidays. There should be at least one evening session held during the week. (DC ST §11-1302).
Length of service
Concerning the time of service for the Grand and Petit Juries, time will be determined by the master jury plan. An individual shall not be required to serve more than once as a grand or petit juror in a 24 month period, except when necessary because of insufficiency of the mater juror list or as ordered by Court.(DC ST § 11-1911)