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Wyoming State Courts

Courts – State Courts – Wyoming

Highest Court

Supreme Court
The Supreme Court consists of 7 judges. It has jurisdiction over (1) Mandatory jurisdiction in civil, capital criminal, criminal, administrative agency, juvenile, disciplinary, certified questions from federal courts, and original proceeding cases. (2) Discretionary jurisdiction in extraordinary writs (writs of review).

General Courts

District Court
The District Court consists of 17 judges. It has jurisdiction over (1) Tort, contract, real property rights ($1,000-$7,000/no maximum [depends on whether appeal is from county court or justice of the peace court.]), Exclusive domestic relations (except for domestic violence), mental health, estate, civil appeals, and miscellaneous civil jurisdiction.  (2) Exclusive felony and  criminal appeals jurisdiction. (3) Exclusive juvenile jurisdiction.
No jury trials are overseen by this court.

Limited Courts

Justice of the Peace Court
The Justice of the Peace Court consists of 7 justices of the peace. It has jurisdiction over (1) Tort, contract, real property rights ($0-3,000), and small claims ($3,000). (2) Misdemeanor and DWI/DUI. (3) Moving traffic, parking, and miscellaneous traffic/other violations. (4) Preliminary hearings.
No jury trials are overseen by this court.

Municipal Court
The Municipal Court consists of 2 judges. It has jurisdiction over (1) DWI/DUI. (2) Moving traffic, parking, miscellaneous traffic. (3) Exclusive ordinance violation jurisdiction.
No jury trials are overseen by this court.

Circuit Court
The Circuit Court consists of 24 judges. It has jurisdiction over (1) Tort, contract, real property rights ($0-7,000), small claims ($3,000), and domestic violence. (2) Misdemeanor and DWI/DUI. (3) Moving traffic, parking, and miscellaneous traffic violations. (4) Preliminary hearings.
No jury trials are overseen by this court.

Additional Information

Rules of practice for supreme court; effect of rules.
The Supreme Court may adopt rules for the practice of court that should be consistent with the constitution and laws of the state. These rules shall be binding upon the court, the attorneys and parties involved with the Supreme Court as though they were enactments of the legislature of the state. (Wyoming Statute  5-2-113)

Authority to contract for publication of reports.
Wyoming’s Supreme Court shall have its opinions published.  The legislature shall make adequate appropriation to defray the expenses of publication. (Wyoming Statute  5-2-401)

Opening day in case of legal holiday.
If the opening day of a term of any district court is on a designated legal holiday, the following day shall be the opening day of the term of the district court. (Wyoming Statute  5-3-104)

Simultaneous terms in same district; calling in judge from another district
Two or more terms of court may be in session in different counties in  the same district at the same time. A judge may call in other district judges in the state to assist in court if the judge finds it impossible to attend any general or special term of court. (Wyoming Statute  5-3-105)

Judges to hold court for each other
The judges of the district courts may hold courts for each other if a judge of a district court is unable to do so.  The called judge shall do so with the jurisdiction, power, and authority possessed by the judge of that district court.  (Wyoming Statute  5-3-106)

Record of official actions
Each magistrate of the circuit court shall enter a record of his official actions in a journal in the circuit court. The entries shall be signed by the magistrate. (Wyoming Statute  5-9-204)

Justice of peace courts supplanted and replaced
When a justice of the peace court is removed, the circuit court shall supplant and replace the justice of peace courts of the county and shall exercise the jurisdiction previously exercised by the justice of peace courts.  (Wyoming Statute  5-9-104)

Inside Wyoming State Courts